Basic Box Step (can be repeated while slowly turning)

     1. Step forward with the left foot
     2. Right foot step sideways to the right
     3. Bring your left foot next to your right foot
     4. Step back with the right foot
     5. Step back sideways with the left foot
     6. Bring your right foot next to your left foot

Progressive Forward

     1. Step forward with the left foot
     2. Right foot step sideways to the right
     3. Bring your left foot next to your right foot

     4. Step forward with the right foot
     5. Left foot step sideways to the left
     6. Bring your right foot next to your left foot


The Lady's Steps

The Waltz is an elegant, smooth dance suitable for many social occasions and is often used as a wedding couple's first dance.   The Waltz is performed in triple time by a couple, who as a pair, turn rhythmically around and around as they progress around the dance floor.

The Gentlemen's Steps

Click To Learn More About Ballroom Dancing

Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - The Ballroom Dances
Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - Basic Steps Waltz
Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - The Health Benefits of Ballroom Dancing
Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - Instructional Videos

Basic Box Step (can be repeated while slowly turning)

      1. Step back with the right foot
      2. Left foot step sideways to the left
      3. Bring your right foot next to your left foot
      4. Step forward with the left foot
      5. Step forward sideways with the right foot
      6. Bring your left foot next to your right foot

Progressive Backward

      1. Step back with the right foot
      2. Left foot step sideways to the left
      3. Bring your right foot next to your left foot
      4. Step backward with the left foot
      5. Step backward sideways with the right foot
      6. Bring your left foot next to your right foot


Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - Waltz Music
Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - Dance Steps
Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - Dance Lessons
Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - Waltz Video
Staten Island Ballroom Dance - About Ballroom Dancing
Staten Island Ballroom Dancers - Places to Dance

The basic rhythm is a unique 3/4 timing and a simple rhythmic pattern which blends with the music.  The waltz is a smooth and graceful dance with long, flowing movements, characterized by a rise & fall motion.  You start by learning the simple box step and stringing them together as you gracefully move around the dance floor in a counter-clockwise pattern.

Learn The Basic Dance Steps of The Waltz